My sweet daughter, Corrie turned 6 on Friday and we had a tea party for her birthday. was a lot of work finding 12 little vintage tea cups at a reasonable price. I went to every antique/junk store in Wichita Falls twice and finally gathered up 12. They were so cute and everything came together so nice. I got all of the girls little gloves, rings and necklaces to wear. We had peach tea punch and a chocoalte fountain to dip strawberries, marshmallows, bananas and cherries in. After they ate, then they decorated some cupcakes...whew that was fun. The girls did so good and their cupcakes turned out beautiful! My Mom and Grandmother helped bake all of the cupcakes and my sister and I decorated them. They were so cute and colorful. Corrie had a great time and got lots of fun gifts. Thanks to everyone for their help. Here are a few shots from the day....